Welcome to Creative Midlife Mayhem!

I now have a newsletter on Substack: Creative Midlife Mayhem. In Creative Midlife Mayhem, I am exploring the intersection of faith and creativity in my day-to-day chaotic life. I’m also posting my baking and gardening adventures in the Notes section. To be made in the image of God, the Creator, means that all of us are born creators! Here are the first two newsletters:

When You Find Chaos: Create: Out of chaos God created the heavens and the earth, and we are called to do the same.

Making It: Art is for everyone: Art is not reserved for geniuses. Art is for everyone!

I preached for the first time on Ash Wednesday earlier this month. Here is my sermon, Ambassadors of Reconciliation.

If you believe that art is integral part of what it means to be human made in the image of God, please subscribe to Creative Midlife Mayhem.