Shawna Atteberry

The Baker Who Also Writes and Teaches

Chocolate, coffee and community

I was working yesterday afternoon at the Canady’s Le Chocolatier, which is in our building. In addition to the wonderful chocolates Michael makes, he also has gelato, paninis, and the best capuccino at the best price (I haven’t had coffee this good since I lived in Barcelona). When I went in yesterday, there was a woman and her son wanting to get candy and gelato for dad’s birthday. The little boy was an exuberant chocoholic. His mom promised that she would get a piece just for him to eat now. But Michael had some special chocolate he had been making: chocolate pieces with cars on them. He gave the boy two pieces. Then before they left, he wrapped up two more pieces and gave them for later. Michael really cares about the people who come in his shop, and he’s not only there for business, but he wants to serve the community. I loved the little boy, and how he was so free in expressing his love for chocolate and his appreciation for the gifts. He reminded me to be open with my own desire and wants, and to be thankful and take joy in receiving the gifts I get.

I have decided the Chocolatier will be my working spot outside of home and the library. Because it’s part of the community of my building and block. It doesn’t have the traffic and noise that the other coffeeshops have (and he plays much better music–where else can I work to opera?), and Michael knows everyone who walks through his door by name. And if he doesn’t, he does before you leave, and you feel as if you’ve been visiting a friend’s home. I like being in a place where I can be part of my community, and with a man to whom community is so important to.