Women, Saints, and Birthday Give Aways, Oh My!
March is a special month for three reasons:
First my birthday is March 26.
Second, St. Patrick’s Day is in March.
Third: it is Women’s History Month.
If those aren’t good enough reasons to throw a month-long blog party, then you are on the wrong blog. March will be contests and give-aways month. I’m pretty certain one of those give-aways will have something to do with St. Patrick’s Day. Since it’s Women’s History Month I am sure a lot of the give-aways will be my favorite books on the women in the Bible. So if you’ve been wanting to start your “I am Woman, hear me roar” book collection, or continue it, stay tuned. There are also a couple of handy ways to keep up effortlessly with the blog posts this month: over on the left you can subscribe to get my blog posts in your email box, or you can hit the RSS feed and have them sent to your favorite feed reader. Then you don’t have to worry about remembering to pop in.
We will also be learning about a lot of different women in history, and we may not stick to just women we can empirically prove actually existed. Some of my favorite lines from The Lord of the Rings (affiliate link) movie trilogy is from Galadriel’s prologue in The Fellowship of the Ring:
And some things that should not have been forgotten…were lost. History became legend…legend became myth.
The life of Saint Brigid illustrates these lines perfectly: Brigid was a historical women who became legend and then fell into myth and merged with a goddess who went by the name of Brigid as well. The borderlands between history, myth, and legend are hazy, and I am going to keep them that way this month*. You will be reading about women who have histories, as well as mythologies and legends.
Don’t worry: if you don’t win one of the give-aways, you still get a prize. For the month of March I am offering 30 minute spiritual direction sessions for free. Don’t know what spiritual direction is? Don’t worry about that either. Tomorrow I’m going to post a video that explains spiritual direction, so you can figure out if it’s for you or not. I will be asking for testimonials to post here on the blog. You don’t have to give one, but I want you to know that I will be asking.
So don your green, put on your party hats, and break out the Irish Cream. Get ready to hear about some fabulous women. Get ready for surveys and contests and cake! And presents! This month is one big party at Shawna R. B. Atteberry!
*Let’s face it: when it comes to the women of the Bible, these three categories get really murky, really fast.