I am now peeking out from under the major chocolate coma The Hubby put me in over the weekend. On my birthday I got Canady’s chocolates, Milano cookies, Ben & Jerry’s Fudge Brownie Ice Cream, and flowers. Does My Man know how to treat his woman on her birthday or what? The sugar rush came in handy for preaching both services Sunday, which went amazingly great (the sermon is posted here).
Now it’s back to business.
First I am part of an amazing group of people, Customer Love, and we are having a 72 hour sale for the people of Japan. All money we receive from this incredible bundle will go to aid in Japan and all of the products and services have been donated.
I, along with many other incredible people, have donated a product towards this worthy fundraiser.
For just a $97 donation to the relief efforts in Japan, you’ll receive a product bundle worth well over $1,200 that is overflowing with everything you need to grow your business online.
This was our way of helping out. Offering you this amazing deal in the hopes that you’d take this opportunity to donate for a worthy cause.
So please click here to learn more about how you can make a difference…both for Japan and for your business: Customer Love for Japan.
Update: So far Customer Love Japan has raised $3,650! Every penny of it goes to Direct Relief International. If you’re wanting to get your business up and going with some of the best, and most generous, people online, go get this bundle. It is a steal for everything you will get. Help for your business, help for people who desperately need it. What more can you ask for?
Update 2: As of 2:00 p.m. 3/30/11, Customer Love Japan has raised over $4,000 for Direct Relief International, and our donation will be matched! There is only a little over a day to get $1200 worth of goodies to get your business off the ground for a $97 donation.
P. S. Yes I bought the bundle, and I donated 10 spiritual direction sessions to it. Just wanted to let you know I am walking my talk. 🙂
Believe it or not this is the last week in March, which means this is our last giveaway (can you believe it? Where did the month go?)
For this final giveaway I reserved one of my favorite books on the women in the Bible: Sharon S. Forth’s Eve’s Bible: A Woman’s Guide to the Old Testament. I fell in love with this book earlier this year. This is one of those rare books that combine the best scholarship in a book anyone can pick up and read. Sharon is an incredible storyteller who weaves all the information you need to know into beautiful prose instead boring and dry text. What will you find in Eve’s Bible? I’ll let her tell you:
My much marked copy of Eve's Bible
Provides step-by-step guidance for reading the Bible’s stories.
- Helps readers appreciate the many forms of biblical poetry.
- Explains what the Hebrew prophets were up to.
- Clarifies why the Bible has so many commandments.
- Introduces readers to Woman Wisdom.
- Answers the question, “Is the Bible historical?”
- Explores how women were living when the Bible was written.
- Provides insight into why the biblical Deity is such a complex and unpredictable character.
- Investigates how ancient religions of gods and goddesses influenced biblical scribes.
- Shows readers how to put what they learn to good use.
Taking different passages about women in the Bible she teaches you how to study the Bible on your own. Appendix 1, “How to Read the Bible: A Travel Guide” is a great summary of her Bible study technique. If you do nothing else, go to the library, find the book, read the book then copy this appendix. It’s a must have for anyone studying the Bible.
In order to get a chance to win Eve’s Bible, tell me who your favorite woman in the Bible is. Mine is Deborah. She was a fierce warrior who took care of her people and did what was needed to build Godde’s kingdom. You have until midnight, Thursday to let me know who your favorite woman in the Bible is, and I will pick the winner Friday.
This is also the last week to take advantage of a free 30 minute session of spiritual direction. Offer ends March 31. Email me for an appointment.