Sensuous Wife tagged me for this meme. As I really need to get back to blogging, I decided this would be a good way to start blogging regularly.
Meme Terms and Conditions
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Mention the rules on your blog.
3. List six unspectacular things about you.
4. Tag six other bloggers by linking to them.
Things to make you snooze:
1. I am a geek. I have a shirt that says, “Geek.”
2. I love a good theology book.
3. I have a cat.
4. I have decided that my favorite of the seven deadly sins, sloth, must be dealt with. I have also decided that lust is just fine now that I’m married and can do something about it.
5. I crochet.
6. I like to take naps.
Are you snoozing yet?
OK, who should I tag?
Lainie Petersen at Headspace
Sally at Eternal Echoes
Sarah at The Bitten Apple
Mike at Chicago Carless
Eric at The Merge
Leah at Desert Spirit’s Fire
I hope all the writing is going well. Still very, very excited about your book :). Don’t want to take writing time away, but if you have a moment sometime I have a request:
Help! I feel like the past month has completely zapped me of any spiritual energy left lurking about. I’ve been reading tons of interesting things but not nourishing things. The cotton candy and Mars Bars of the book world. I need some literary oatmeal or kasha. The only such thing I’ve read recently is Muller-Fahrenholz’s “America’s Battle for God.” And that was finished two weeks ago (and, btw, is an absolutely fabulous look at civil religion in America from a German theologian’s pov).
Any suggestions? Have you read anything particularly compelling of late?
I have also decided that lust is just fine now that I’m married and can do something about it.
YES! You go, girl!