Happy belated Easter! I was not online much yesterday. Our pastor reminded us yesterday that a lot of us live in Saturday: the Saturday of doubt, grief, and pain. Our Saturdays include job losses, family problems, addictions, or problems at work. But the Resurrection gives us hope. With the Resurrection God has once and for all broken the power of sin and death. Through sharing in Christ’s suffering, death, and now resurrection we have the hope that through God’s grace we, too, can have victory over our Saturdays. Not that it will be easy. We have to trust in God and submit to God, and trust God’s power and grace to redeem us. We have to obey what God tells us to do. But we do have hope—hope that the way this world is, is not the way it should be. The hope that God’s kingdom can come on earth as it is in heaven. Hope that this life isn’t all there is, and that this life has more of God’s grace and power than any of us believe. What would happen if we believed?